Nobody knows for sure where the term ‘Indian Summer’ comes from.
The word ‘hippocampus’ refers to three different things:
- the sea-horses that drove Poseidon’s chariot
- seahorses, the fish
- the part of the brain that kind of looks a lot like a seahorse
The hyphen distinguishes between the mythological creature and the fish.
In Agatha Christie’s Murder At the Vicarage the term ‘shemozzle’ appears in the following dialogue:
“I expect you’d find her in the studio in the garden — sitting to Lawrence Redding.”
“There’s been quite a shemozzle about him,” said Lettice. “With father, you know. Father’s dreadful.”
‘Shemozzle’ is borrowed from the Yiddish ‘shlimozel,’ usually meaning ‘misfortune.’